
Futures Gymnastics opened in 1991 with the goal to have a gymnastics center that was focused on the child and not just good competition results.  We felt strongly that if you put the needs of the children first they will thrive.  If that meant we wouldn’t win as many medals then so be it.  But, the opposite is of course true.  If children are happy and thriving they will reach their goals.  

Over the past couple of years,  there has been a great deal of attention given to SafeSport and changing the way coaches interact with children and athletes.  We have taken that information very seriously and ensured that our Staff receive training on HIGHFive to ensure the quality of the programs is meeting their needs and in SafeSport to improve their interactions and to ensure that our policies and procedures meet or exceed the expectations of HIGHFive and SafeSport.  Our FAB 5 Principles also help guide us through daily interactions and planning.  Safety, Caring, HIGHFive, Engagement,  and Innovation each helped form our decision-making and provide us with tracking to measure our progress.  We intend to be industry-leading in these areas.


Futures Gymnastics prides itself on being child/athlete centered in all aspects of their participation.  We will make every effort to meet their physical, emotional, and developmental needs.  Our FAB 5 Pillars are Safety, Caring, HighFive, Engagement, and Innovation.  More information about these pillars can be found on our website.

Throughout this document, you will find information on how we plan to not only meet the SafeSport protocols but exceed them.  We want every child to have a positive experience, even when it feels difficult.

Every child should feel:  Included, respected, engaged, and cared for and that they are learning and progressing.  And..of course, we want them to have fun and enjoy their classes.


Leadership Team:  

That our Leadership Team (GM, Directors) will oversee all programs using our FAB 5 and the SafeSport Protocols.  They will use measurable standards to monitor the success of our classes.  They will take part in addressing any concerns with an open mind that focuses on the feelings of the child, while assisting our staff with navigating and resolving any concerns.


That our Staff will be trained on SafeSport and HIGHFive to ensure that they have a clear picture of how to meet the needs of the children in their care.  When a concern is raised that they as well keep an open mind and respect the feelings of those involved.  


That any parent with a concern will bring the concern to our attention in a respectful manner and help us navigate solutions that work for their child.


That all children are taught to respect other children and refrain from bullying, teasing, physical and emotional harm to others around them.  Our goal is to build friendships and help our children learn to be good teammates.

Code of Conduct

There is a code of conduct posted in the entry way of each location, outlining the key points for the different roles.


  • Always being focused on Safety

  • Show a caring attitude to every child and use consequences rather than punishment.

  • Always follow the HIGHFive Principles and Guidelines.  If necessary reach out for assistance.

  • Be engaged in your class by being active, communicating positively and clearly, and being a strong role model to the children at our facilities.

  • Be aware of our systems and ensure that you are following them. 

  • Treat everyone with respect and care.


  • To positively support their child in the child’s sports journey.

  • To communicate their concerns quickly and respectfully to the appropriate person.

  • To show care and respect for everyone in the facility


  • To be a good friend

  • To respect your coaches

  • To have fun and try your best.


How to report a concern:

  1. If you have a concern about our programs or staff, that you bring them to our attention as soon as possible.  Please be respectful and allow us to assist before bringing any issues to the attention of others.  This helps ensure that the concern is addressed quickly and in a positive manner for everyone involved.  

  2. How to report a concern?  

    1. It is always best to speak to the Supervisor on that day.  They are trained to assist and have the most knowledge of the programs and situations.  They can help solve the concern in a timely manner to help the child.

    2. You can also reach out to the General Manager at your location.  They are more than willing to assist with any concerns you may have and have training in managing those concerns.  Lorraine Currie, the owner, will be informed and assist with dealing with your concern.

      1. Futures Gymnastics Millcreek

      2. Futures Gymnastics Laird

      3. Futures Kidzone- Guelph

      4. Danceworks Millcreek

    3. You can also reach out to if you feel that your concern has not been addressed.  It is always best to contact us first as Gymnastics Ontario cannot assist you with concerns about whether your child is at the right level or isn’t enjoying their class.  They will only send you back to speak with our organization.  So this option should be used only for very severe concerns.  They will assign a case manager to investigate the concern.

How your complaint will be handled

  • We will attempt to resolve your concern through the Supervisor or General Manager and Lorraine Currie first.  

  • If necessary we will bring the concern to our CARE Team.  This team has an unaffiliated General Manager, an unaffiliated staff member, and an unaffiliated parent.  This team is able to review the concern from all perspectives and offer suggestions on resolutions or will assist in taking the concern to a more appropriate authority.  

  • The General Manager and/ or CARE Team can choose what action is necessary, including any disciplinary actions needed.  These include but are not limited to:

    • Warnings/ Required Actions

    • Additional Training Required

    • Suspension

    • Termination


  • If you feel that your concern has not been addressed you can also put in an Appeal through the owner: Lorraine Currie.  They will bring together the CARE Team to review the concern, and the proposed resolutions and see if they can find other solutions and options.  They may also bring in other resources if needed.  This will be done as quickly as possible to ensure that the child feels safe and happy in our programs.